I am

Hire Me Blog

I’m an Author

Jubayer Ibn Kamal, a 25-year-old Bangladeshi author. For the last Half a decade, I have been writing stories, articles, film and book criticism and other content in various national level magazines.

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I am a Critic

I have been doing literary criticism consistently for the last few years. I have also done film criticism in various magazines. I Aspire to work on film theory in the future.

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I am a Host

I have hosted many shows in front of and behind the camera. I also have the experience of hosting Convocation, the highest academic event of the university.

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I am a student

I am a student who has been awarded several times for academic excellence. I have been awarded the university's highest honor, the VC Award once and the Dean's Award twice.

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I am an Interviewer

So far, I have done professional interviews of half a hundred people. From intellectuals to writers, filmmakers, publishers, actors, politicians and common people.

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I am storyteller

Storytelling is my passion. As a professional visual storyteller I have spoken on many topics.

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Read My Thoughts


Art & History

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এখানে ভীষণ রোদ


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বল্লভপুরের যে পোড়াবাড়িতে জন্মেছিল রূপকথা


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There is More!

Although you can never learn everything about a person.

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